Owning a canine can be a rewarding experience, but it also brings some responsibilities that you as an owner have to fulfill. Raising the perfect puppy involves a good amount of effort, patience and commitment. Just like humans, a pet’s health is not only about physical wellbeing, but the emotional and mental aspects of life as well.
If you meet your puppy’s needs and keep him healthy and happy with puppy dog foods and best food for dogs, train him properly and build a good relationship, you will have a healthy, balanced and well-behaved adult pet dog.

Following are the most important aspects that you need to help your dog with, a few of which are later discussed in this eBook in a more detail:

Balanced Diet

Whether you have a puppy or an adult dog, providing your pet a balanced diet is crucial. Feed your dog a balanced diet that comprises of all the important nutrients within the suitable amount of calories. If you are unaware of what your puppy’s nutritional needs are, it is strongly advised that you discuss them with your vet.

Several factors affect a dog’s dietary needs, a few important ones being its age, health and breed. Keep in mind that your puppy’s nutritional requirements change as he grows older. A well-fed dog is more likely to stay happy and healthy and will not develop malnutrition-based behavioral problems.

Building a Bond with Your Dog

Building a bond with your pup is important and spending quality time with your pet is the best way to do so. Show your dog lots of affection and attention. Pet him, play with him, and spend some quality time with him to let your dog know that he is loved. Doing so enhances your bond with your canine and ensures that he is more responsive to you and your commands.
You should also provide your puppy lots of toys to play, both indoors and out. Toys are important for physical and mental stimulation. They not only help prevent behavioral irregularities that your dog may develop due to boredom, but also improve its mental health. Under-stimulation at early stages of your pet’s life will lead him to be a misbehaving adult dog, even if you use the great adult dog foods with your Fido.


Make your puppy gets sufficient exercise. Your dog needs an outlet to release all the pent-up energy and exercising is a good way of doing so. Take him for a walk every day. Play active and engaging games such as ‘fetch’ and ‘tug of war’. Exercise is important for your puppy as it helps it avoid develop behavioral problems.


Take your dog for regular checkups and get him all the vaccinations your vet has recommended. Checkups and vaccinations are more frequent in the early stages of your pet’s life. It is possible that your dog may need a higher level of veterinary attention because he has some health conditions. Health problems may alter your dog’s behavior in an unfavorable manner. So, it is better that preventive measures are taken and problems are detected and managed at an earlier stage.


Socialization is essential for your puppy’s psychological development. The process involves introducing your dog to other people and canines, allowing him to develop his interaction skills.  A puppy that is not properly socialized, usually experiences excessive anxiety and stress in unfamiliar environments, which may lead to bad behavior.
Obedience Commands

Teaching your dog basic obedience commands proves to be very helpful and ensures good behavior in the long run. An obedient dog is an excellent companion to have. By teaching the ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘come’, ‘down’ and ‘heel’ basic commands, you will have the means to let your pet know what is required of him.
Your Behavior with Your Dog
It is important that you behave nicely with your pet. Refrain from yelling or showing aggression. Do not hit or punish your puppy when he misbehaves. This will make him afraid of you and cause him to develop emotional and behavioral problems.

Positive Reinforcement

It is highly recommended to use positive reinforcement while training your dog. This not only goes for obedience training, but encompasses all other trainings as well, such as crate, house and leash.

Reinforce behaviors by treating and praising your dog verbally, immediately after he has done something good or obeyed you. Gradually reduce the amount of treats you use, but never eliminate them completely. When your dog does something wrong, be patient with him and correct him gently. Immediately praise him and treat him as soon as he corrects his behavior.